History of Pirenópolis

Pirenópolis is a historical municipality, being one of the first of the state of Goiás. It was founded with the name Minas de Nossa Senhora do Rosário Meia Ponte by the Portuguese miner Manoel Rodrigues Tomar (some historians named it as Manoel Rodrigues Tomás). The mines of the region were discovered by the bandeirante Amaro Leite, but were delivered to the Portuguese by Urbano do Couto Menezes, companion of Bartolomeu Bueno da Silva, the Anhanguera Filho, in the first half of the eighteenth century. According to local tradition, the camp was founded on October 7, 1727, however there are no supporting documents and many ancient historians and chroniclers claim to be the foundation in 1731.

It was an important urban center of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, with gold mining, commerce and agriculture, in particular the production of cotton for export in the nineteenth century. Still in the nineteenth century, with the name of the town of Meia Ponte, it stood out as the cradle of Goian music, thanks to the emergence of great maestros, as well as cradle of the press in Goiás, since there was born the first Central West newspaper, denominated Matutina Meiapontense. In 1890, the city had its name changed to Pirenópolis, the municipality of the Pyrenees, name given to the surrounding mountain range. It was isolated for much of the twentieth century and rediscovered in the 1970s, with the construction of the new capital of the country, Brasília. Today, it is famous for tourism and the production of quartzite, the Stone of Pirenópolis.

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